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Spring is in the air and so is the smell of toxic algae around Lake O. Water managers start and stop this flood of pollution to keep it at just the right level for farmers to irrigate their crops, while Florida residents suffer the consequences! And summer slime is just around the corner.... #protectfloridawater #takeaction

Is History Doomed to Repeat Itself?

Protect Your Water is a series of short videos about the toxic water crisis in the state of Florida that has been recurring for more than five years, and is upon us again right now.

The Beast is Back

In 2018, Florida suffered ruinous toxic algae blooms, a declaration of a State of Emergency, multiple beach closings, hundreds of people in the hospital, several huge fish kills, over 400 dead sea turtles, plus whales and manatees washed up on the beach. Florida residents protested, but the governmental response was nearly nil.

Fast forward five years. A newly-formed Blue-Green Algae Task Force of scientists and water officials has met multiple times and issued their reports about the problem and recommendations for the future, most largely ignored. And as sure as summer, toxic blue-green algae has again filled Lake O and flowed out and down the waterways of South Florida.

In Many Ways, Nothing Has Changed

Pronouncements were made but expert advice not followed. Florida’s dire water quality problems are still making people sick, killing animals and destroying aquatic habitats. A wide range of dangerous pollutants now flows into our water. Fueled by these toxins, the harmful algal blooms have become more predictable than the weather!

For swimmers, surfers, anglers, birdwatchers, kids of all ages—it’s been another summer of dangerous waters. The cost of bad water to our neighborhoods, our recreation, and our businesses gets more expensive every day.

Why No Progress?

Florida’s citizens continue to question the powers that be, asking WHY there seems to be no progress. We know what the problems are. We know what the solutions are. We just need our leaders to act. 

Find action steps on this site to recommend to residents who are concerned and want to do something. Watch and share video HERE and use it in local meetings around your city or town.

Florida's Water Crisis

Our latest documentary video, “Florida’s Water Crisis,” provided In English and Spanish, offers a multi-year overview of the Toxic Algae Crisis in Florida. The video is voiced by Floridians who have been most involved in the movement to clean our waters.

Ver en español aquí.


“I make my living taking people out on a boat, but there’s no guarantee that’s always going to be possible if you don’t take care of your waterways,” says Captain Noah Stewart. Through her tears, Kathi Irvin tells us, “This isn’t what I signed up for.” Floridians from all over the state are raising their voices for water. On November 6th, it’s time to raise yours. Vote for water!


“I have never seen a situation like this … ever,” says environmental attorney Erin Brockovich. People are sick, and sea turtles, manatees, dolphins, fish are all casualties of red tide and toxic blue-green algae. We are killing our oceans, and it’s time to push back against our negligent officials. Vote for clean-water candidates on November 6th!


We still think Florida is a top tourist destination, but it won't be for long. Not if you can't swim in the water, you can't eat any fish you catch, it's not safe to paddle board or even walk along the side of the water.


Floridians agree, water is our most precious resource — but with the toxic red tide and blue-green algae crises, we are poisoning ourselves, our marine wildlife and our future water supply. Our state government is ignoring our health to help Big Ag, so we have to do our own testing! Let’s elect officials who care about clean water on November 6th!


Instead of frolicking Florida animals on land and sea, we now see fish kills, sick dolphins in the lagoons, dead oysters near our coasts, manatees desperate for food or a breath. Nature matters to nearly all Floridians, don't take this lying down.
