There are many ways to get involved in the effort to protect Florida’s water:


Join Forces with a Local Organization

Learn about Bonefish & Tarpon Trust’s “Win Back Our Water” Campaign and get involved by volunteering for research efforts, attending upcoming events, and more.

Join a Citizen Science Team

Help collect water samples in your area, and learn what’s in YOUR water through ORCA’s Citizen Science Program.

Join a Meeting, a Rally or a Shoreline Clean-Up:

Surfrider works statewide on ocean, gulf and inland waters.


Tampa Bay Waterkeeper Patrol Program is always looking for volunteers.

Contact Policymakers

Email your Legislators and make your voice heard through Healthy Gulf’s simple & streamlined steps. 

Stay Informed

Sign up for Captains for Clean Water’s newsletter to keep up to date on their advocacy, and opportunities to engage.

Special thanks for footage for these videos from Calusa Waterkeeper, and The Lake Worth Waterkeeper. Special shout-out to the Matanzas Waterkeepers now leading the effort statewide north to south!